How Team Telemarketing is Serving 30 Clients on One FiveCRM Platform

The testimonial author, Jaine Husbands

Jaine Husbands,

Operations Director, Team Telemarketing


Separate Clients on One FiveCRM Platform


Increase in Call Rate


Increase in Conversions

Team telemarketing is a telemarketing agency based in Birmingham, England that supports B2B campaigns such as appointment setting, lead generation, database building, database cleansing, surveys, market research, event planning, promotions, and follow-up calls.



  • Dialing calls manually
  • Managing calls with spreadsheets
  • Supporting multiple clients with campaigns
  • Finding a platform that wouldn't require IT support
  • Giving clients easy access to campaign data and reporting


  • FiveCRM platform for telemarketers
  • Create a mini client CRMs on the same platform
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Client dashboards for real-time data on demand
  • Seamless integration with clients


  • 30 clients served from a single FiveCRM instance
  • Team Telemarketing becomes a true partner to its clients


Serving multiple telemarketing clients from one CRM platform

When Team Telemarketing was founded 20 years ago, its call center reps dialed calls manually and used spreadsheets to track and manage those calls. Jaine Husbands, Operations Director at Team Telemarketing, knew the company would have to find a new way of operating if the company was to grow.

“Making calls manually and managing through spreadsheets was time-consuming and not as secure as we wanted,” says Jaine. “We needed a system that could scale with us.”

Jaine and her team wanted to transition from spreadsheets to a CRM solution but faced a major hurdle: the platform would need to support multiple clients and campaigns.

“Each client, and each of their campaigns, has unique specifications,” says Jaine. “We essentially needed to set up mini CRMs on one platform to meet those requirements.”

At the same time, Team Telemarketing didn’t have in-house IT expertise that could support a complex CRM implementation or ongoing development. Therefore, any CRM Jaine and her team chose would have to be easy to set up, manage, and maintain.

Reporting was another area ripe for improvement. Team Telemarketing created weekly client reports to update them on their campaigns. But that reporting process was time consuming—and by the time the client received the reports, the information was already stale. 

Further, at the end of every campaign, Jaine and her team had to collate and return the data to their clients in a form that would allow them to easily update their own CRMs—another time-consuming task.

Ultimately, Jaine wanted to use the new CRM platform to better integrate Team Telemarketing and its clients so they could work together seamlessly, without spreadsheets or manual processes getting in the way.

Jaine Husbands says...

 “Each client, and each of their campaigns, has its own unique specifications. We essentially needed to set up mini CRMs on one platform to meet those requirements.”

Picture of Jaine Husbands

Operations Director, Team Telemarketing


FiveCRM telemarketing platform

Jaine and her team researched the CRM solutions on the market, and FiveCRM quickly caught their attention. Uniquely designed for telemarketing agencies, its auto-dialing features would speed up the dialing process, and its platform could accommodate multiple mini client CRMs. It also wouldn’t require IT support to set up.

“At the time, we were still a young business and didn’t have that technical expertise in house. With FiveCRM, we didn’t need it.”

Today, Jaine and her team use customizable FiveCRM templates to create each client campaign. Jaine explains how this works in practice:

“When we do an appointment-setting campaign for a client, we collect certain pieces of information, such as number of employees and when their contracts are due for renewal, and set those fields up in FiveCRM. When a client does a survey campaign, we’ll set up completely different fields for it. Each client area is different but works exactly the same.”

Once campaigns are complete, Jaine and her team use FiveCRM to collate the data and return it to clients in a form they can easily import into their own CRMs. Reporting has also been transformed with FiveCRM. Initially, Jaine and her team ran reports out of FiveCRM and sent them to clients manually. More recently, clients have their own dashboards with immediate access to real-time campaign data.

“Clients love being able to see how many calls our team has made today on their campaign, how many decision-makers we’ve spoken to, and how many appointments we’ve made,” says Jaine. “With just one click, they can see the entire lifetime of everything we’ve done for them.”

Clients appreciate this transparency and use it to justify their telemarketing expenditure, making it a strong selling feature.

“Some of our clients have worked with agencies where they didn’t have that day-to-day transparency,” says Jaine. “Demonstrating the dashboard to those clients has definitely helped us win contracts.”

In fact, Jaine estimates the dashboard feature is a deciding factor in 10 to 20% of new business contracts.

Jaine and her team are also using FiveCRM to extend client service offerings. For example, FiveCRM allows Team Telemarketing reps to email directly from the FiveCRM platform on the clients’ behalf. Reps track email opens and clicks, and automatically schedule callbacks, for more targeted outreach and better results for clients

Team Telemarketing also uses FiveCRM to make it look like the client is emailing or calling directly, rather than through a telemarketer, which also drives better results.

“Most clients don’t want to make it obvious that they’re outsourcing their telemarketing. This feature creates a seamless integration between our service and the client.”

FiveCRM has also proven its ability to scale as Team Telemarketing has grown. Team Telemarketing’s initial five employees has grown to 40, with FiveCRM easily keeping pace.

Jaine or her team remain very happy with FiveCRM’s performance and support over the past 10 years.

“We’ve never, ever, had any issue with major downtime, loss of data, or security issues,” says Jaine. “Everything has been seamless. They’re an excellent team to work with and are always quick to respond.”

FiveCRM has even been willing to work with Team Telemarketing to develop and implement new features when needed.

“We’re always thinking of new ways to use the platform,” says Jaine. “The team at FiveCRM always listens to our suggestions and has often made valuable additions to the platform for us.”

Jaine Husbands says...

“Clients can see how many calls our team has made, how many decision makers we’ve spoken to, how many appointments we’ve made. With just one click, they can see everything we’ve ever done for them.”


30 telemarketing clients on one CRM platform

Today, Team Telemarketing serves 30 different clients from one FiveCRM platform.

It also has a 30% higher call rate, and corresponding 30% higher conversion rate, than prior to implementation.

“By implementing FiveCRM and the dialing system it offers, we’ve increased our dialing rates by at least 30%,” says Jaine. “This increases conversions for our clients, whether lead generation, appointment generation, or other type of campaign, at a corresponding rate.”

FiveCRM is also empowering Team Telemarketing to be a true partner to its clients, not just a vendor.

Even with these great results, Jaine and her team still periodically survey the CRM market as part of their due diligence. They remain confident in choosing FiveCRM.

“We’ve never found anything that can compare to FiveCRM for a telemarketing business like ours.”

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